chariteadmin2020-03-23T15:51:56+01:00Dienstreise/Travel request at the Charité
This applies to Charité employees and externals going on business trips funded by the Charité.
For business trips funded by Mind & Brain, we need an additional entry.
Before the trip – Travel request
- Find out what kind of business trip you are doing. This determines who you need to notify and who is responsible for reimbursing you.
- Examples: Business trip funded by the Charité, business trip funded by external sponsors, trip as part of a secondary employment (no travel request necessary)
- File your travel request
- For Charité employees
- Go to the Charité application portal and log in with you Charité user name and password à Go to Applications (Anwendungen) à Travel request (Reiseantrag) à Enter/confirm your email address à Enter all relevant information about the business trip (date, time, reason for business trip, …) à Click on complete (Fertig stellen) à The pre-filled request form will now be send to your email address
- Fill out the rest of the details on the request from (e.g. combination with private vacation, sponsoring, secondary employment, …) à Sign the request à Get a signature from your supervisor to grant your request (see [here], German only), for this you need to show her/him some proof of the event (e.g. conference program, invitations, …)
- For external employees
- For Charité employees
- Once your travel request is granted, you can use it to book your trip at the Charité travel agency Lufthansa City Center Titanic Reisen
- Contact: email, phone +49(0)30 450 578163 (Charité-intern) or +49 (0)30 28390589 (Charité-extern), office Reinhardtstr. 46, 10117 Berlin, open Monday to Friday 10 am to 6 pm
- In some cases you’re also allowed to book the trip yourself (I am not sure about this, if someone knows more, please add here)
- Now forward the signed travel request and proof of the event (e.g. conference program, invitations, …) to the responsible department
- For Charité-funded trip: to Reisekostenstelle im GB Personal
- For sponsoring trip funded by others: to GB Rechtsabteilung – Nebentätigkeiten (CVK)
- For trip as an official Charité representative: to GB Rechtsabteilung – Nebentätigkeiten (CVK), including additional documents
During the trip – Keep all documents
- Keep all original receipts (e.g. train tickets) and make sure that all invoices (e.g. hotel, rental car) are addressed to your Charité work address
After the trip – Request for reimbursement of travel expenses
- File your reimbursement request
- Send the signed form including all original documents via in-house mail to Reisekostenstelle GB Personal (CVK). You will be notified via email once the reimbursement is processed.
[Antrag Reisekostenerstattung]
[Genehmigungsverfahren für Dienstreisen]
[Reisekostenabrechnung Charité]
[Reisekostenabrechnung Extern]