Dienstreise/Travel request at the Charité

This applies to Charité employees and externals going on business trips funded by the Charité.
For business trips funded by Mind & Brain, we need an additional entry.

Before the trip – Travel request

  1. Find out what kind of business trip you are doing. This determines who you need to notify and who is responsible for reimbursing you.
    • Examples: Business trip funded by the Charité, business trip funded by external sponsors, trip as part of a secondary employment (no travel request necessary)
  2. File your travel request
    • For Charité employees
      • Go to the Charité application portal https://csportal.charite.de/irj/portal/gbp and log in with you Charité user name and password à Go to Applications (Anwendungen) à Travel request (Reiseantrag) à Enter/confirm your email address à Enter all relevant information about the business trip (date, time, reason for business trip, …) à Click on complete (Fertig stellen) à The pre-filled request form will now be send to your email address
      • Fill out the rest of the details on the request from (e.g. combination with private vacation, sponsoring, secondary employment, …) à Sign the request à Get a signature from your supervisor to grant your request (see [here], German only), for this you need to show her/him some proof of the event (e.g. conference program, invitations, …)
    • For external employees
      • Fill out this form from the intranet [form] à Sign the request à Get a signature from your supervisor to grant your request (see [here], German only), for this you need to show her/him some proof of the event (e.g. conference program, invitations, …)
  1. Once your travel request is granted, you can use it to book your trip at the Charité travel agency Lufthansa City Center Titanic Reisen
    • Contact: email charite@aer.de, phone +49(0)30 450 578163 (Charité-intern) or +49 (0)30 28390589 (Charité-extern), office Reinhardtstr. 46, 10117 Berlin, open Monday to Friday 10 am to 6 pm
    • In some cases you’re also allowed to book the trip yourself (I am not sure about this, if someone knows more, please add here)
  2. Now forward the signed travel request and proof of the event (e.g. conference program, invitations, …) to the responsible department
    • For Charité-funded trip: to Reisekostenstelle im GB Personal
    • For sponsoring trip funded by others: to GB Rechtsabteilung – Nebentätigkeiten (CVK)
    • For trip as an official Charité representative: to GB Rechtsabteilung – Nebentätigkeiten (CVK), including additional documents

During the trip – Keep all documents

  1. Keep all original receipts (e.g. train tickets) and make sure that all invoices (e.g. hotel, rental car) are addressed to your Charité work address

After the trip – Request for reimbursement of travel expenses

  1. File your reimbursement request
    • For Charité employees
      • Fill out and sign this [form]
    • For external employees
  1. Send the signed form including all original documents via in-house mail to Reisekostenstelle GB Personal (CVK). You will be notified via email once the reimbursement is processed.

[Antrag Reisekostenerstattung]
[Genehmigungsverfahren für Dienstreisen]
[Reisekostenabrechnung Charité]
[Reisekostenabrechnung Extern]