We’re hiring! Postdoctoral Position „Contextual modulation of spatial memory consolidation” within the Collaborative Research Center 1315 “Memory Consolidation” (SFB 1315)
We invite applications for a four-year postdoctoral position in the CRC 1315 project “Spatial Memory Consolidation Networks”. The CRC 1315 “Memory Consolidation” brings together outstanding memory researchers from Berlin institutions, including Charité, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Freie Universität Berlin and Technische Universität Berlin. The successful applicant will become a member of the Brain & Behavior Group at the Dept. of Neurology at Charité Berlin and will be embedded in an interdisciplinary network of basic and clinical neuroscience researchers. There will be continuous exchanges with Postdocs, PhD students and Faculty of the CRC and associated institutions, including the Excellence Cluster NeuroCure, the Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience and the Berlin School of Mind and Brain.
The project combines electrophysiological, pharmacological, imaging and lesion approaches in patients and healthy participants with behavioral/virtual reality paradigms to study contextual modulation of spatial memory consolidation.
If this sounds interesting to you, click here for more information on the project.